Fighter Productions is an independent arts and entertainment venture based out of the Rocky Mountain market, focused on the art of storytelling and helping it to thrive within community.

Our mission is to create real, raw, impactful work that disobeys the trend and challenges the group think of the day to forge true connections between audiences of diverse backgrounds/perspectives and independent creatives.
Our passion is storytelling.
"A wise teacher once told me: 'You get a choice. Either you're gonna be someone who brings more light to the world or someone who brings more shit. Decide which one you're going to be and the rest of the day will unfold as it comes.' Here, we hope to bring more light."
~Autumn, Fighter Productions Founder
Hard work, honesty, and self awareness
A growth mindset and accountability
Free thought and free speech
Nuance and true connections
Humor, curiosity, and deep conversation
Collaboration and impact
Relevant work told by raw creativity
Proud to be an American, Indigenous, and Female owned company.
Unapologetically disinterested in becoming a vehicle for "the message", we do tell the stories that interest us, which often include lenses informed by the aforementioned cultures and experiences.

Founder: Autumn Silvas
Photographed by
Andrea Flanagan Photography

Vision and Spirit
Our name comes from an Isleta Puebloan word: "yambewéde", or fighter. Deeply interested in heritage and history, here's your full disclosure: we are particularly passionate about uplifting Indigenous and biracial voices and narratives in the entertainment industry. However, we believe that being a fighter means protecting and sharing history and story regardless of background.
Creating truly provoking, impactful work requires collaboration, and we strive to acknowledge the affairs of the day without becoming indentured to it. To us, the fighter spirit belongs to those who will challenge the buzzword of the day through creative and constructive work, fighting for stories worth telling. As such, we believe in roots: that is, rooting down to build dialogue and craft meaningful work. YES, even when it's uncomfortable.